Here are some questions on SS3 Literature in English Mock Exam Question and Answer that you can practice in preparation for your upcoming WAEC examination.

SS3 Literature Mock Examination

1.A statement made by a character on stage intended only for the audience to hear is called:
[a] Epilogue [b] Mime [c] Soliloquy [d] Aside.

2. A break or pause within a line of poetry is known as:
[a] Alliteration [b] Caesura [c] Metre [d] Assonance.

3. A recurring theme, image, or set of images that ties a literary work together is referred to as:
[a] Motif [b] Allusion [c] Legend [d] Anecdote.

4. When you are old and grey and full of sleep.” The rhythmic pattern of this line is:
[a] Anapestic [b] Dactylic [c] Trochaic [d] Iambic.

5. The term for an inscription on a tombstone is:
[a] Epitaph [b] Epistle [c] Epigram [d] Ode.

6. A stanza composed of three lines with an interlocking rhyme scheme (ABA, BCB, CDC) is called:
[a] Couplet [b] Haiku [c] Terza Rima [d] Heroic Couplet.

7. The chorus is most prominently featured in:
[a] Poetry [b] Epic [c] Novel [d] Drama.

8. A story that explains a natural event or justifies societal beliefs is classified as:
[a] Myth [b] Legend [c] Motif [d] Fable.

Read to the following poem and answer Questions 9–11:

What happens to a dream deferred?
Does it dry up like a raisin in the sun?
Or fester like a sore and then run?
Does it stink like rotten meat?

  1. The dominant literary device in the poem is:
    [a] Epithet [b] Rhetorical Question [c] Verbal Irony [d] Paradox.
  2. The line “Does it stink like rotten meat?” appeals to the sense of:
    [a] Taste [b] Touch [c] Sight [d] Smell.
  3. The mood of the poem is primarily one of:
    [a] Joy [b] Doubt [c] Anger [d] Certainty.

12. A short play performed during a break between acts of a longer play is called:
[a] Denouement [b] Interlude [c] Prologue [d] Epilogue.

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13. The most climactic and intense point in a conflict is known as the:
[a] Resolution [b] Climax [c] Denouement [d] Deus Ex Machina.

14. The statement “I feel a million times better than I felt yesterday” exemplifies:
[a] Apostrophe [b] Euphemism [c] Irony [d] Hyperbole.

15. Identify the term that does not fit the group:
[a] Third-Person Narrative [b] Literary Appreciation [c] First-Person Narrative [d] Epistolary Technique.

16. A dramatist is someone who ________ plays:
[a] Writes [b] Directs [c] Commissions [d] Promotes.

17. The phrase “Nando’s family lives within the lower income bracket” is an example of:
[a] Sarcasm [b] Allusion [c] Climax [d] Euphemism.

18. A performance in which there are no spoken words is called:
[a] Mime [b] Aside [c] Monologue [d] Soliloquy.

19. The term “Utopia” is used to describe:
[a] Strange Circumstances [b] Difficult Conditions [c] Pleasant Feelings [d] Ideal Societies.

20. The phrase “The lawyer addressed the bench” demonstrates:
[a] Simile [b] Oxymoron [c] Alliteration [d] Metonymy.

Read the passage below and answer questions 21 to 25.

When he was little, he would ask his mother sometimes, as he was in the cold little room and looked up at her as she sat beside his bed stroking his hair, why two boys from his class had thrown stones at a dog, or why on another occasion a gang of them had broken into an empty house, smashing the thick door which had curved moulding on the front which had been turned by carpenters years before, or why he had ended up in a fight which had begun when a little girl had shouted names at him which made no sense about his house and his mother and others had joined in and he rushed at them, scattering them as some shrieked and some laughed   and he flaieled about with his hard little fists and tears in his eyes. His mother would smile say “shhh” and he would drift to sleep with the heart shape of her face imprinted on his mind.

21. What is the predominant emotion expressed in the passage?
[a] nostalgia [b] anger [c] anticipation [d] fear

22. What helps to convey the emotion in the passage?
[a] the mouldings on the door [b] the boys’ actions [c] the tender care of the mother [d] the taunts of the little girl

23. Which literary device is most prominent in the passage?
[a] personification [b] antithesis [c] litotes [d] parallelism

24. The phrase “…and he had rushed at them, scattering them as some shrieked and some laughed” employs:
[a] onomatopoeia [b] climax [c] metaphor [d] metonymy

25. How would you describe the main character?
[a] playful [b] curious [c] sad [d] humorous

SS3 Literature in English Mock Exam Question and Answer

Poem Questions (26–30)

26. What is the primary focus of the poem?
[a] debtors [b] dreams [c] costumes [d] appearances

27. The tone of the poet can best be described as:
[a] supplicatory [b] defiant [c] conciliatory [d] complaining

28. What is the rhyme scheme of the first stanza?
[a] aabcc [b] ababa [c] aabbc [d] abbac

29. The overall mood of the poem is:
[a] sadness [b] fear [c] joy [d] optimism

30. The line “We wear the mask that grins and lies” demonstrates:
[a] irony [b] personification [c] synecdoche [d] alliteration

“A Midsummer Night’s Dream” Extract 1 Questions (31–35)

31. Who is Speaker X in the excerpt?
[a] Hermia [b] Philostrate [c] Demetrius [d] Lysander

32. Who is Speaker Y?
[a] Titania [b] Peaseblossom

33. How does Speaker X perceive Speaker Y?
[a] as a deceiver [b] as a former lover [c] for the first time [d] for the last time

34. Why are both speakers in the woods?
[a] to hide from each other [b] to spy on one another [c] for different reasons [d] for the same reasons

35. What does the theme of night represent in their conversation?
[a] significant responsibilities [b] conflicting emotions [c] despairing thoughts [d] romantic feelings

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“A Midsummer Night’s Dream” Extract 2 Questions (36–40)

36. Who is speaking in this passage?
[a] Bottom [b] Peaseblossom [c] Quince [d] Puck

37. Who is the speaker addressing?
[a] artists [b] painters [c] actors [d] writers

38. What play are they planning to rehearse?
[a] “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” [b] “Pyramus and Thisby” [c] “The Tragedy of Lovers” [d] “The Battle Royal”

39. What is the purpose of the rehearsal?
[a] to gain Egeus’ approval of Lysander [b] for the fairies’ dance [c] for Theseus’ wedding celebration [d] for Titania’s awakening from a dream

40. Who are the main actors in the rehearsal?
[a] Snug and Snout [b] Philostrate and Starveling [c] Puck and Mustardseed [d] Quince and Bottom

“A Midsummer Night’s Dream” Extract 3 Questions (41–45)

41. Who is Speaker X?
[a] Titania [b] Hippolyta [c] Snout [d] Oberon

42. What has just happened to Speaker X?
[a] escaped from the city [b] fallen into a dreamlike state [c] awakened from an enchanted sleep [d] abandoned a loved one

43. To which group does Speaker Y belong?
[a] Theseus’ retinue [b] Titania’s retinue [c] the group of actors [d] the group of lovers

44. Who is Speaker Y?
[a] Quince [b] Lysander [c] Demetrius [d] Bottom

45. How can Speaker X’s words be categorized?
[a] satire [b] conceit [c] paradox [d] parody

“A Midsummer Night’s Dream” Extract 4 Questions (46–50)

46. Who is the speaker in this passage?
[a] Flute [b] Quince [c] Bottom [d] Philostrate

47. What is the function of this speech?
[a] prologue [b] epilogue [c] exposition [d] lyric

48. What is the speaker organizing?
[a] a scene [b] a skit [c] an act [d] a play

49. What event is being prepared for?
[a] celebration of the royal wedding [b] the king’s decision to exile Hermia [c] Oberon’s threats to Titania [d] Titania’s infatuation with Bottom

50. How can the speech be described?
[a] romantic [b] satirical [c] comic (d) tragic

SS3 Literature in English Mock Exam Question and Answer


  1. Comment on the character of madam yoko in the play.
  2. What challenges is Mende Chiefdom confronted with in the play.

Wole soyinka ( The lion and the jewel)

  • Why does Lakunle lose sidi to Baroka?
  • Examine the theme of love and marriage in the play.


  • Consider Raynells contribution to the play.
  • Comment on the appropriateness of the tittle “Fences”.
  • Compare Jimmy and cliff as Friends.
  • Discuss Jimmy Porters sense of alienation in the play.


  • Discuss the personification of Rage in the poem Raider of the treasure true.
  • Show how African suffered and survives still in the poem “The grieved lands”

SECTION D (Answer One)


  1. Comment on the poets attitudes to death in the poem “do not go gentle into that good night”
  2.  Consider the use of alliteration ,repetition and assonance in the poem “Binsey poplars’    

Answers to the objective questions on SS3 Literature in English Mock Exam Question and Answer

  1. D
  2. B
  3. A
  4. D
  5. A
  6. C
  7. D
  8. A
  9. B
  10. D
  11. B
  12. B
  13. B
  14. D
  15. B
  16. A
  17. D
  18. A
  19. D
  20. D
  21. A
  22. C
  23. D
  24. B
  25. C
  26. D
  27. B
  28. A
  29. A
  30. A
  31. C
  32. A
  33. A
  34. C
  35. B
  36. C
  37. C
  38. B
  39. C
  40. D
  41. A
  42. C
  43. C
  44. D
  45. C
  46. B
  47. A
  48. D
  49. A
  50. C

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