Here are some SS3 Agric Science Second Term Test and Examination that you can use to practice for both internal and external examinations. Teachers can as well use this questions to evaluate their learners performance.

Also Study: Second Term JSS3 Agricultural Science Test and Exam

Agric Science SS3 Test


(1) __________ are plants which are used for different purposes by man for decorative purposes (a) tuber crops (b) grain crops (c) ornamental crops (d) pasture

(2) ________ and _________ are examples of ornamental plants (a) rice and millets (b) rose flower and queen of the night (c) rice blight and rice smut (d) balsam plant and maize plant.

(3) Method of cultivating ornamental plants can be the choice of plant and the planting materials true/false.

(4) ____________ is responsible for pumping of blood of an animal (a) liver (b) small (c) intestine (d) heart

(5) ________________carries blood away from the heart to other part of the body (a) artery (b) yeins (c)muscle (d) capillaries

(6) The heart consist of how many (a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d) 7

(7) ____________ and ___________ are enzymes present to aid digestion in the stomach of an animal (a) pepsin and amylase (b) renin and pepsin (c) maltose and amylase (d) lipase and pepsin.

(8) ____________ is any plant that grows in places where it is not expected to grow or a plant that grows out of place (a) legumes (b) tuber crops (c) weed (d) bush marigold.

(9) Trees are examples of ornamental crops (true/ false)

(10) ____________ and ___________ are maintenance of ornamental plants (a) erosion and weeding (b)regular weeding and watering (c) fencing and acid (d) fertilization application and application of pests

(11) ____________ refers to animals that live in water (a) terrestrial habitat (b) mangrove (c) habitat (d) aquatic habitat

(12) the digestive tract or alimentary canal of farm animals are grouped into how many parts (a) 4 (b) 2 (c) 7 (d) 3

(13) _____________ refers to the form and structure of the body (a) physiology (b) digestive (c) anatomy (d) crop

(14) ______________ are animals that possess complex stomach made up of 4 compartment (a) non ruminant (b) ruminant (c) duodenum (d) aquatic animals.

(15) The food of a domestic fowl is temporally stored in the _ (a) crop (b) preventiculus (c) esophagus (d) beak


16. ______________________ convert protein to __________________

17. _______________ convert starch to _________________

18. _______________ convert fats and oil to ________________

19. ______________ and _____________are part of the four compartment of the ruminant animals

20. ________________is define as an environment which organism live naturally.

21._____________ are industries which depends on agriculture for their raw materials (a) agro cement industries (b) rubber agro industries (c) agro based industries.

22.____________affects agricultural product on (a) rainfall (b) cement (c) computer

23._______________ can be defined as a measure of heat energy which a body contains (a) humidity (b) pressure (c) temperature.

24._______________ can be define as the lord of insufficient rainfall in an area (a) sunlight (b) drought (c) rainfall

25.______________ is defined as the degree of hotness or coldness of a place or a body at a point in time

26.______________ can be defined as the amount of moisture in the atmosphere. (a) Temptation (b) pressure (c) humidity.

27.The living component or factor that affect an ecosystem or other organism in that ecosystem is called ______________ (a) biotic factor (b) abiotic factor (c) temperature

28.A situation in plants or animals in which there is deviation of plants or animal from a normal state of health is called _____________ (a) pathogen (b) disease (c) weed.

29. This is a plant that compete with crops for space, water, nutrient and sunlight (a) pest (b) weed (c) disease.

30. ____________ is the shape of the ground in relation to the undying rocks of soil. (a) topographic (b) pressure (c) winds (d) soil pit

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Theory for SS3 Agric Science Second Term Test and Examination

Explain the following terms use in agricultural ecology
a. Soil texture
b. Soil structure
c. Soil profile
1b. Name three tree crops that can be propagated by grafting.
1c. Give four measures that farmers could adopt to control pest in grain stores

2a. With the aid of a diagram describe the life cycle of a grasshopper.
2b. State five ways through which diseases are spread

3. State the roles played by the following factors in soil formation.
i. Time
ii. Rainfall
iii. Uses of forage crops

Explain the differences between pest and storage pest of crop
4b. What are the ways of conserving water in the soil?

5a. Explain each of the following cropping system.
i. Mono cropping
ii. Mixed cropping
iii. Crop rotation
iv. Mixed farming

5b. List 3 inorganic fertilizers that could correct the nutrient deficiency observed in plant.
5c. Name 2 materials that can be used to attract bees to a new beehive

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