Here are some updated second term jss3 agricultural science test and exam questions you can use to do practice.

1) Two crops that can be propagated by stem cutting are __________. (a) rice and cowpea (b) coffee and cocoa (c) oil palm and plantain (d) sugarcane and cassava

2) ____________ is the act of planting tree seedling to establish a forest. (a) Deforestation (b) Exploitation (c) afforestation (d) Forestry.

3) One of the following is not a method of preserving farm produce. (a) Drying (b) hulling (c) smoking (d) refrigeration

4) The two general methods of propagating agricultural crops are ___________ (a) Sexual and vegetable (b) sexual and mature (c) vegetative and asexual (d) sexual and asexual

5) One of the following soil types is the best for agriculture. (a) Loamy (b) Sandy (c) clay (d) None of the above.

6) The channel of distributing agricultural produce include the following except __________ (a) producer (b) farm (d) wholesaler (d) local market.

7) A market where stocks, shares and other securities are bought and sold is referred to as _____________ (a) Local market (b) foreign exchange market (c) bond interest (d) stock exchange market.

8) __________ and __________ are examples of simple farm tools. (a) Hoe and tractor (b) hoe and cutlass (c) silo and barn (d) hammer and chain

9) Agriculture means ___________ (a) Production of fruits and vegetable (b) production of crops only (c) Production of crops and animals (d) production of animals only

10) ____________ is the reproductive organ of a flowering plant. (a) Flower (b) leaves (c) stem (d) root

11) Animal with complex stomach are (a) aquatic animals (b) ruminant animals (c) non – ruminant animals (d) terrestrial animals

12) The study of the culture and rearing of fishes and other aquatic animals in a body of water is termed _________ (a) apiculture (b) aquaculture (c) meliculture (d) silviculture

13) Crops that are grown to protect the soil from erosion are called __________ (a) animal crops (b) cover crops (c) perennial crops (d) hay crops

14) The following are the activities taking place at the channels of distributing except ____________ (a) loading (b) packaging (c) grading (d) dipping.

15) __________ is a crop used as raw materials in textile industries. (a) Rubber (b) cocoa (c) legumes (d) cotton

16) The following are qualities of a good cooperative society member except. (a) ability to work as a team (b) attending the first society meeting (c) determination of succeed (d) promote the welfare of the society.

17) Diary animals are raised purposely for their ___________ (a) milk (b) fats (c) wool (d) meat
18) The application of grease and oil to moving parts of farm machines is known as _________ (a) Lubricating (b) oiling (c) rubbing (d) flushing.

19) Which of the following is NOT a simple farm tool. (a) Cutlass (b) brake (c) secateurs (d) incubator.
20) The external manifestation of disease is known as _________ (a) Pathogen (b) symptom (c) transmission (d) ve   
(21) ________ is used for clothing in textile industries (a_ maize (b) coffee (c) palm produce (d) cotton.

(22) _______ is the large area of land that is thickly covered with trees (a) vegetation (b) forest (c) forestry (d) swamp.

(23) _________ is the forest vegetation that is found in the southern part of the country. (a) river forest (b) topography (c) forest zone (d) savannah zone

(24) _________ is the largest vegetation belt in Nigeria (a) Guinea savanna (b) derived savanna (c) mangrove forest (d) rain forest

(25) Rain forest is the region of high rainfall between _______ and ________ in a year. (a) 110 – 130cm (b) 130 – 145cm (c) 150 – 200cm (d) 210 – 220cm

(26) One of these is odd ______ (a) timber (b) tourism (c) medicine (d) balloon

(27) Forest act as _______ breaks (a) water (b) wind (c) air (d) river

(28) There are _______ types of forest (a) 3 (b) 6 (c) 4 (d) 2

(29) ________ is a type of vegetation of the derived savanna, where population density and farming activities are combined (a) deciduous forest (b) ever green forest (c) Sahel forest (d) vegetation forest.

(30) ______ is a piece of land set apart for preservation of economic plant and animals. (a) taungya system (b) forest reserve (c) deforestation (d) re- seedling 


1.) State four (4) challenges facing marketing of agricultural produce.

1b) State and explain the people involved in stock exchange.

1c) State five importance of stock exchange.

2) Mention 5 measure taken by government to encourage exportation of agricultural produce.

3) Mention the five (5) Nigerian vegetation belt

3b) Define forest

3c) State three ways by which the forest influences the government.

3d) State three (3) forest regulations.

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