Here are some questions on Literature Second Term Test and Examination for JSS3 which you can use to practice in other to become perfect in your mathematics. Feel free to study and practice this questions.
Also Read: English Language Jss3 Second Term Test and Exam Question
JSS3 Second Term Test and Exam
Answer all the questions.
1) The protagonist is the ______________ (a) author (b) villain (c) hero (d) speaker
2) A chapter is to prose, so _____________ is to poetry. (a) Couplet (b) stanza (c) line (d) chorus
3) A humanous scene in a play intended to ease tension is ______________ (a) climax (b) tragic comedy (c) comedy (d) comic relief
4) An essential feature of drama is _______________ (a) soliloquy (b) conflict (c) irony (d) aside
5) A poem which celebrates simple country or rural life is _____________ (a) pastoral (b) dirge (c) an ode (d) an epic
6) A poem with fourteen lines is _____________ (a) an ode (b) sonnet (c) an epic (d) pastoral
7) A principal female character in a novel is called _____________ (a) actress (b) clown (c) hero (d) heroine
8) A literacy work that vividly portrays life can be described as _____________ (a) realistic (b) romantic (c) idealistic (d) sarcastic
9) A stanza of two lines is a _____________ (a) couplet (b) quintet (c) septet (d) quatrain
10) A story which explains a natural phenomenon or justifies the beliefs of a society is ______________ (a) myth (b) legend (c) motif (d) fable
Read the following poem and answer the questions
I wonder how long, you awful parasite shall share with me this little bed and make me from sweet dreams be lost by sucking blood from my poor head.
I should but say man has much blood, which you and your families do feed.
On, for supper, dinner, and lunch
And besides, you do in my bed breed.
Clever thou art, tiny creatures,
You attend me when I am deep asleep
When you art sure, I can’t you capture
Just at the time I snore deep.
Tis is strange that before twilight
The bed clear of you would seen;
For not one of you is in my sight
As if your presence was in dream
11) The subject of the poem is a ______________. (a) Mosquito (b) flea (c) bedbug (d) louse
12) Lines 1 and 2 of the second stanza illustrate the use of ________________ (a) caesura (b) metre (c) enjambment (d) ellipsis
13) The creature in the poem is best described as _____________ (a) clever (b) sluggish (c) awkward (d) tiny
14) The person’s mood is one of _____________ (a) Sarcasm (b) indifference (c) despair (d) joy
15) The device used in Tis is strange is _____________ (a) Assonance (b) alliteration (c) onomatopoeia (d) pun
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Model Unseen Poetry Passages
Wish I could still laugh with the lotus
On the bank of the Nile
Take off my clothes
And dive into Zambezi
Join spirit dances
In the middle of the ganges
Romp with the Rio
To the thunder of the samba
Fan the yangtze’s face
With the fan of the moon
Tease the thames
With a shoeless foot
Embrace the Volga
With open arms
Ask the Misisissipi
For a bowl of water
Alas, between cup and lip
An acre of wishes
16) What is the subject matter of the poem? (a) Africa rivers (b) pain (c) desires and wishes (d) rivers in the world
17) The expression _____________ thunder of the samba illustrate the use of ___________ (a) alliteration (b) simile (c) hyperbole (d) rhyme
18) In line 16, the use of the ellipsis denotes ____________ (a) happiness (b) love (c) omission (d) laughter
19) How many stanzas does this poem have? (a) 1 (b) 9 (c) 18 (d) 5
20) “Romp with the Rio” illustrates the use of ____________ (a) Alliteration (b) anaphora (c) metonymy (d) oxymoron
Theory For Literature Second Term Test and Examination for JSS3
1a) What is prose?
1b) Explain vividly five terminology used in prose
2a) What is a poetry?
2b) List ten types of poetry.
2c) List ten features of poetry and explain five.
3a) Define “Drama”
3b) Explain these terms
a) Protagonist
b) Play wright
c) Tragic flaw
d) Conflict
e) Plot
c) Enumerate five types of drama.
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