Here are some simple Government Mock Exam Question and Answer For SS3 that you should practice in order to improve in government as a subject and at the same time sit in the exam hall and write confidently.
Also See: SS3 Civic Education Mock Exam and Answer
Government Mock Exam
(1) How can government be defined?
(a) constitutions
(b) cabinet system of government
(c) how people rule themselves
(d) presidential system of government only
(2) Which of the following does NOT qualify as a function of government?
(a) defence
(b) subversion
(c) embarking on public enlightenment
(d) providing social amenities
(3) What is a characteristic feature of a state?
(a) pursuance of sectional interest
(b) colonial experience
(c) territorial boundary
(d) temporary existence
(4) What does communism, as a political ideology, aim to achieve?
(a) accumulate capital in the hands of a few
(b) divide citizens into classes
(c) eliminate socio-economic inequalities
(d) create economic opportunities for profit-making
(5) What is the meaning of totalitarianism?
(a) a government led by a dictator
(b) government controlled by wealthy people
(c) government run by educated elites
(d) government by the masses
(6) How is monarchy defined?
(a) government headed by a king
(b) government by the people
(c) government of the majority
(d) government run by elites
(7) When is the rule of law observed?
(a) when democracy is practiced
(b) when laws are kept secret
(c) when revolutions are encouraged
(d) when only the elite can govern
(8) Why is delegated legislation necessary?
(a) to promote dictatorship
(b) to prevent even development
(c) to be useful in emergencies
(d) to grant significant power to the president
(9) What is a criticism of delegated legislation?
(a) it promotes separation of power
(b) it is not practiced in advanced countries
(c) it encroaches on parliamentary power
(d) it gives too much power to the judiciary
(10) What is the primary goal of fundamental human rights?
(a) to promote human dignity
(b) to train political activists
(c) to encourage economic activities
(d) to establish mob rule
(11) What does constitutionalism imply?
(a) citizens must always read the constitution
(b) leaders should ignore the constitution’s dictates
(c) citizens should challenge constitutional provisions
(d) leaders should act in line with the constitution’s stipulations
(12) Which of the following is NOT a source of a country’s constitution?
(a) legislative decisions
(b) past constitutions
(c) writ of Mandamus
(d) judicial precedent
(13) What is beyond the scope of a constitution?
(a) fundamental human rights
(b) organs of government
(c) coup d’état
(d) preamble
(14) What system features centralized power?
(a) federal system
(b) unitary system
(c) confederal system
(d) presidential system
(15) In a unitary state, where are government powers concentrated?
(a) component units
(b) local level
(c) centre
(d) regions
(16) What is TRUE about a parliamentary system of government?
(a) there is an Executive President
(b) fusion of power is discouraged
(c) collective responsibility is emphasized
(d) the Prime Minister is the head of the judiciary
(17) In which system is the president both Head of State and Head of Government?
(a) diarchy
(b) presidential
(c) unitary
(d) parliamentary
(18) What is a feature of a confederation?
(a) it has a rigid constitution
(b) the central government is stronger than the component units
(c) there is a legal right of succession
(d) there is no provision for a state constitution
(19) What is a factor in the formation of a federation?
(a) desire for a union
(b) absence of a common enemy
(c) small population
(d) geographical discontinuity
(20) Who is responsible for the formation and implementation of policies?
(a) police
(b) judiciary
(c) executive
(d) legislature
(21) Why is bicameralism adopted?
(a) to guard against intra-party clashes
(b) to prevent arbitrary lawmaking
(c) to project party manifestoes
(d) because it is the only available system
(22) What does parliamentary filibuster refer to?
(a) a procedure for impeaching the president
(b) a delay tactic used to prolong debates
(c) the process of passing bills into laws
(d) a special method for initiating money bills
(23) What is a function of the executive?
(a) recruiting judges
(b) passing bills into law
(c) adjudicating cases
(d) implementing policies
(24) When a court declares an executive action ultra vires, what does it mean?
(a) the action is illegal and beyond granted powers
(b) the executive must implement the action
(c) the action should be passed into law
(d) only the legislature can address the action
(25) What is a duty of a good citizen?
(a) paying taxes regularly
(b) assisting the poor
(c) challenging the laws of the land
(d) joining law enforcement agencies
(26) When can citizens be deprived of their rights?
(a) during a democratic regime
(b) during parliamentary debates
(c) in periods of emergency
(d) during political campaigns
(27) What is an obligation of a citizen?
(a) arresting offenders
(b) voting in elections
(c) prosecuting offenders
(d) adjudicating cases
(28) What often results from a multi-party system?
(a) coalition government
(b) a very strong executive
(c) dictatorial government
(d) confederal government
(29) Which of the following is NOT a function of a political party?
(a) educating the government
(b) articulating interests
(c) aggregating opinions
(d) selecting candidates for government positions

(30) What does franchise mean?
(a) the right to manipulate election results
(b) the right to conduct elections
(c) the right to enforce electoral laws
(d) the right to vote and be voted for
(31) What are the geographical units for elections called?
(a) states
(b) constituencies
(c) polling areas
(d) county councils
(32) How can free and fair elections be ensured?
(a) by operating a one-party system
(b) by allowing campaign on election day
(c) by securing electoral officers and materials
(d) by appointing a politician as electoral commission chair
(33) What type of election involves an electoral college?
(a) run-off election
(b) general election
(c) open balloting
(d) indirect election
(34) What is a function of the electoral commission?
(a) distributing party membership cards
(b) presenting party manifestoes
(c) delimiting constituencies
(d) conducting the oath of office for an elected president
(35) How do political parties differ from pressure groups?
(a) parties only lobby for policy changes
(b) pressure groups select candidates for office
(c) parties influence government policies(d) pressure groups advance members’ interests
(36) What does public opinion enable the government to do?
(a) influence the public
(b) suppress opposition
(c) reduce governance costs
(d) understand citizens’ feelings
(37) What does anonymity in the civil service mean?
(a) civil servants are above the law
(b) civil servants receive no praise or blame
(c) civil servants can engage in partisan politics
(d) civil servants cannot be disciplined
(38) What is a problem faced by the civil service?
(a) red-tapism
(b) offering professional advice
(c) record-keeping continuity
(d) election-based government changes
(39) Who establishes public corporations?
(a) a minister
(b) a director
(c) a permanent secretary
(d) an act of parliament
(40) What is TRUE about public corporations?
(a) they are established by law
(b) they are owned by the finance minister
(c) they make profits for shareholders
(d) they provide essential services
(41) Which is NOT a problem facing local governments in West Africa?
(a) shortage of trained personnel
(b) obtaining bank loans
(c) nepotism
(d) corruption
(42) Why are local authorities established?
(a) to bring government closer to the people
(b) to give traditional rulers more power
(c) to reduce loyalty to the central government
(d) to increase central government interference
(43) What does a British colony refer to?
(a) territory with arable farmland
(b) area for colonial plantations
(c) area under traditional rulers’ control
(d) territory acquired by settlement or conquest
(44) Why was indirect rule adopted in British West Africa?
(a) because chiefs approved it
(b) due to a shortage of administrative officers
(c) because funding was insufficient
(d) because traditional rulers commanded respect
(45) What was a disadvantage of indirect rule?
(a) over-industrialization of the economy
(b) appointments based on qualifications
(c) lack of quality education for Africans
(d) domination of central administration by Africans
(46) Which UN organ coordinates specialized agencies?
(a) General Assembly
(b) International Court of Justice
(c) Economic and Social Council
(d) Trusteeship Council
(47) What is the primary objective of the UN?
(a) stopping aggression
(b) assisting poor countries
(c) fighting injustice
(d) maintaining world peace
(48) Which international organization includes all West African countries?
(a) Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries
(b) North Atlantic Treaty Union
(c) European Union
(d) Organization of African Unity
(49) Which is NOT an organ of the OAU?
(a) Assembly of Heads of State and Government
(b) Tribunal of the Community
(c) Council of Ministers
(d) Secretariat
(50) Where is ECOWAS’s cooperation and development fund headquarters?
(a) Lomé
(b) Lagos
(c) Accra
(d) Dakar
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- C
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