Here are some test and exam questions on the English Language Jss3 Second Term Test and Exam Question that you can use to improve your academic performance.
JSS3 English Test Questions
Vocabulary development
From the options lettered A —- D .Choose word that could best fill in the spaces below .
A. B. C. D.
1. Close Nuclear. Near. Extended
2. Delicious Sweet. Fine. Good
3. Cooked Fried. Baked. Stewed
4. Refrigerator Oven. Cooker. Kitchen
5. Cleared. Dug. Cut. Washed
6. Plants Oranges. Pawpaw. Bushes
7. Scrubbed Dressed. Cooked. Cut
8. Pained Painted. Polished. Pushed
9. Nuclear Extended. Immediate. Closed
10. Aunties. Brothers. Sister. Siblings
11. Cousin. Niece. Half brother. Nephew
12. Wife. Fiancée. Fiancé Widow
13. Determined In love. Engaged. Ready
14. Relation. Sisters. Brothers. Father
15. Playing Running. Drinking Sleeping
Uzor is celebrating his 10th birthday. It’s 21st August. The whole 1——— family is involved. Earlier in the day his mother has cooked 2———— jollof rice with fried chicken. She also 3—— the special birthday cake. The soft drink his father brought the previous day was cooling in the 4————- Uzor brothers had 5———- the lawn in front of their house and cleared the 6————-around the compound. His sister Toby has 7———- the living room floor and 8—— the chairs and tables.
A special invitation was extended to Uzor’s Friends, schoolmates, and neighbors. The members of his 9—— weren’t left out. His grandparents arrived yesterday and his uncle and 10—————- are all present.
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As the ceremony is about to commence, his eldest sister who lives in Ibadan arrives with her husband and two son, who are Uzor 11————- the same time his elder brother Mike, comes with his 12————— the girl he is 13—————- to marry.
Soon the whole arena is full of 14—————, friends and well-wishers, Uzor now cuts the cake and blows off ten candles. There, we eat 15————- and dance, and everybody is happy.
Objective questions.
1. What are words links other words , phrases, and sentences together (a) verb (b) conjunction (c) joints (d) co-ordinate
2. What is a complete piece of writing on issues of public interest (a) Article (b) magazine (c)letter (d) prose
3. What is a word element added to the base or root of a word to form another word.(a) prefix (b) suffix (c) preposition (d) adverb
4. What is a group of related words that contain a subject and a verb (a) adjective (b) verb (c) clause (d) objects
5. What is realized when the object takes the place of a subject (a) active voice (b) noun phrase (c) passive voice (d) predicate
In each of the following sentence,a word is underlined from the alternative labeled A——D . Choose the one that is nearest in meaning to the underlined word.
6. Amina is a pretty young. Girl . (a) handsome (b) good (c) beautiful (d) lucky
7. The stubborn student was forced to do his assignment (a) begged (b) compelled (c)asked (d) told
8. The children were frightened , when they heard the gunshots. (a) startled (b) amazed (c) terrified (d) shocked
9. There was a fatal accident at the road junction. (a) bad (b) deadly (c) serious (d)total
10. Make sure you buy genuine engine oil (a) good (b) original (c) cheap (d) rice
From the list lettered A——D , choose the one that is opposite in meaning to the underlined word in the following sentence.
11. The money provided for the journey was sufficient (a) enough (b) insufficient (c) suitable (d) appropriate
12. We arrived late because of traffic hold up (a) behind schedule (b) early (c) as planned (d) by 10:am .
13. The girl loves her mother (a) likes (b) Hates (c) appreciates (d) admires
14. He is very uncomfortable in these quarters. (A) unhappy (b) comfortable (c) distressed (d) disturbed
15. The fisherman caught a big fish (a)large (b) king size (c) small (d) medium.
1. Write an article suitable for publication on [The use of cane ] OR an article on [ Drugs Abuse ] . 250 words
1. Define prefix
1b. Write out two examples of prefix , in a tabular form .E.G . Prefix / base word / root word
Overreact/ Over /. React
2a. Define suffix
2b. Write out two examples of suffixes,in a tabular form.
3a. Define active and passive voice
3b. Write four examples each I. Sentence of active voice and passive voice.
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