Second Term Computer Studies Test

This computer questions shows Second Term Computer Examination/Test For Jss1This computer question are prepared according to the scheme of work to help learners in studying for their examination and also to make it easy for teachers to set examination questions.

Answer all the questions.

1) Early counting devices are __________, ___________ and ___________ (a) stones, slide rule, pebbles (b) stones, Slide rule, fingers (c) stones , pebbles, fingers

2) ___________ is a problem of counting large numbers with early devices. (a) it was easier (b) it was extreme (c) it didn’t produce answers very fast (d) Abacus

3) In _________, a Scottish mathematician john Napier invented a mechanical calculating machine. (a) 1817 (b) 1818 (c) 1617 (d) 1618

4) Blaise Pascal was a ____________ (a) French racist (b) French Scottish (c) Mathematics man (d) French Philosopher

5) Which year did Blaise Pascal invented Pascaline? (a) 1644 (b) 1641 (c) 1642 (d) 1643

6) What machine was invented in 1622? (a) Slide rule (b) Abacus (c)Pascaline (d) Napier’s Bones

7) What machine was invented by Gottfried leibmiz? (a) Stepped reckoner (b) silk loom (c) difference engine (d) analytical machine.

8) What machine was invented by Charles Babbage? (a) stepped Recknor (b) Silk loom (c) difference engine (d) analytical machine

9) Difference engine  had five units, one of which is __________ (a) install (b) imply (c) output (d) mail

10) UNIVAC is a _______________ computer? (a) Mechanical digital (b) Electro – mechanical (c) electro digital (d) early

11) Full meaning of UNIVAC is _____________ (a) Universal Automated computer (b) Universal Autocratic computer (c) Univarsal Automating computer (d) Universal automatic computer

12) ___________ was used for data storage for first generation computer. (a) vacuum tubules (b) magnetic draw (c) vacuum tubes (d) magnetic drum

13) Second generation is between __________ to ____________ (a) 1941 to 1956 (b) 1956 to 1963 (c) 1965 to 1975 (d) 1975 to 1971

14) _____________ is an example of third generation computer. (a) ENIAC (b) Honeywell 200 (c) EDSAC (d) UNIVAC

15) _____________ is the most widely used and the fastest growing type of computer. (a) Microcomputers (b) mini computers (c) mainframe computers (d) super computers.

Second Term Computer Examination/Test For Jss1

16) __________ is a high level computer designed for the most intensive computational tasks.(a) microcomputers (b) minicomputers (c) mainframe computers (d) super computers

17) _____________ computers are used to measure continuous variables and physical magnitude. (a)digital (b) analog (c) hybrid (d) supreme.

18) ____________ is a system that uses discrete signals or values to represent data numerically. (a) digital computer (b) analog computer (c) hybrid computer (c) supreme computer

19) Palmtop computers are also known as _____________ (a) Personnel difference analog (b) Personal digital analog (c) Personnel digital assistance (d) Personal digital assistance

20) _______________ are the most powerful mainframe computers used to process complex and time-consuming calculations. (a) Microcomputers (b) minicomputers (c) Mainframe computers (d) Super computers

22. Which of the following is not a type of ROM?
[a] PROM
[b] DRAM

23. What is the process of performing arithmetic and logical operations called?
[a] ALU
[b] Output
[c] Storage

24. Why were screen savers originally developed?
[a] To create fun
[b] To beautify the monitor
[c] To prevent burn-in

25. What is another name for arrow keys?
[a] Function keys
[b] Numeric keys
[c] Cursor control keys

26. What refers to the standard code of conduct for computer usage?
[a] Computer ethics
[b] Computer users
[c] Computer professionals

27. Which action demonstrates good computer lab ethics?
[a] Fighting other students
[b] Moving computers around
[c] Cleaning computers with dust-free napkins

28. Can air conditioners be installed in a computer room to keep it cool?
[a] True
[b] False
[c] Maybe

29. What tool helps you quickly and easily create attractive documents?
[a] Typewriter
[b] Word processor
[c] Reports

30. Which button is used to make text appear bolder?
[a] B
[b] U
[c] I


1) List 5 characteristics of first generation computer.

1b) Give 4 examples of first generation computer.

2) State 5 problems of counting large with early devices.

2b) Mention three (3) mechanical counting devices, the inventors and the year each was invented.

3) Mention four sizes of computer and explain any two.

3b) Mention the three types of computer and explain any two with one example each.

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