Here are some English language JSS1 Second Term Test and Examination you can practice in other to be perfect. These questions were set both from Lagos State and Federal scheme of work.

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JSS1 English Language Test


Comprehensive passage .(READING SKILLS)
Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions below
The dog is a domestic animal whose usefulness is rarely appreciated by men. It is not an ordinary animal.

The dog is very loyal to man no matter the situation, the dog is ever ready to stand by man in all circumstances. It is unlike man who can desert his friend, when the situation is unfavourable.

It is used by man to hunt other animals hunters usually rely on the ability of the dog to track down other animals. It then provide the meat which men eats with relish
It is always used to fight against criminals. The police train the dog to become a detective with this training, it is able to sniff out where robbers are, such robbers are then arrested by the police.


  1. What is the use of dog to men?
  2. How is the dog unlike men?
  3. How does the hunter use the dog?
  4. What does the dog provide for men?
  5. What do the police use the dog for

Define the meaning of the following words

  1. Domestic
  2. Rarely
  3. Endanger.
  4. Sniff out
  5. Detective



1a. What is letter writing
1b. Write out the format for writing informal letter
1c. Write out format for formal letter . Using the heading {permissions to be absent in school for a day

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OBJECTIVES ON LEXIS , structure and speech work.

1. What refer to the part of speech that modifies verb (a)Adjective (b) preposition
(c) Adverb (d) Adjunct .

2. One of these is not can adverb (a) soon (b) whole (c) Early (d) careful

3. She angrily replied her mother , this is an example of adverb of _ (a) Time
(b) Frequently (c) concession (d)manner
4. Adverb are usually used after ——- (a) verb (b) Noun (c)pronoun (d)conjunction
5 . What refer to a word regard as part of speech that show relationships between a noun and other words in a sentences. (a) pronoun (b)preposition (c) Noun (d) interjection

6. I came to school —— you yesterday (a) Along (b) on (c) before (d) Along .

7. One of these is not a prepositional word (a) After (b) although (c) beyond (d) between

8. —— is a form of letter that requires two addresses (a) formal letter (b) informal letters (c) semi formal letter (d) case latter

9. The official greetings for all form of left is —— (a) Hi (b) Hello (c) waz up (d) Dear .

10. ——- types of letter did not require signature at the subscript (a)formal letter (b) informal letter (c) semi formal (d) law letter

11. ——— is the total number of English vowel sound (a) 10 (b) 27 (c) 28 (d)20

12. Moni things are divided into —— and ——— (a) fat and thin. (b) short and thin (c) long and short (d) fat and long

13. There are ——- monothongs (a) 10 (b) 12 (c)18 (d) 20

14. Diphthong are —— in number (a) 8 (b) 7 (c) 6 (d) 9

15. Diphthong have two vowel sound produce in one breathe (a) false (b) true

16. All these except one are short vowel. (a) cook (b) good (c) put (d) analogue

17. The word FOOL IS a ——— vowel sound (a) long and short (b) short vowel (c) long vowel (d) fat and thin

18. Consonant /k/ is an example of —— consonant (a) plosives (b) glossure (c) accurate
(d) fricate

19. In the word (knicker ) the letter ——- is silent (a) n (b) k (c) e (d) r

20. The word (could ) is transcribed——- (a) kuid (b)ku:id (c) coo:d (d) ku::D Section D theory Answer all.

Grammatical Accuracy

1a. Define preposition
1b. Write 10 examples of preposition and use any 4 (four) in good and correct sentences

2a. What is Adverb
2b. Give four various form of adverb with two examples each .
2c. Underline the adver in the following sentence.
(I) She put the flower there
(II) Ade walks slowly to school
(III) Here are your pencil
(IV) We often eat snail in our family.

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