The following are some social studies JSS2 Second Term test and examination that will help you pass the coming examination. Practice these questions to become perfect.

JSS2 Social Studies Test

1. Drug abuser often bring _____________ to the families. (a) Money (b) glory (c) happiness (d) shame

2. Drug abuse can lead to _____________ (a) death (b) sadness (c) accident (d) none of the above

3. Taking medicine in excess without proper prescription by a qualified medical practitioner is called _____________ (a) Manufacturing (b) abuse (c) addict (d) trafficking

4. _____________ is not a characteristics of a positive group behavior (a) They do not work against the government (b) they lay ambush and abduct people (c) they have knowledgeable experts from all works of life.

5. One of these is a benefit of positive group behaviour. (a) Destroying (b) bill board (c) changing war songs (d) carrying out dangerous weapons

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6. All except one is a type of group behavior. (a) Age grade activities (b) mob actions (c) mass action (d) communal labour

7. A situation where a group of people jointly carryout a task beneficial to the entire society or community is called _____________ (a) Protest (b) mask task (c) mass action (d) communal labor

8. Drug abuse will include all these except _____________ (a) Taking overdose of normal drug (b) taking an unprescribed drug (c) smoking indian hemp once (d) taking drugs prescribed by a medical doctor

9. Hard drugs include all except _____________ (a) Heroin (b) cocaine (c) analgestic tablet (d) marijuana

10. All but one are negative behavior. (a) cultism (b) gangsterism (c) peaceful (d) mob action

11. Giving jungle justice is a form of _____________ behaviour. (a) Cultism (b) positive negative (d) gangstarism

12. Constructive group behaviour is the same as _____________ (a) Negative group behaviour (b) positive group behavior (c) destructive group behavior (d) normal behavior

13. All but one are effects of drug abuse. (a) Loss of job (b) high level of intelligence (c) mental disorder (d) untimely date.

Fill in the correct answer from 14 – 20

14. _____________ are medicine which people take when they are ill.

15. Excessive smoking of cigarettes damage the _____________

16. The deliberate and illegal use of drugs is referred to as _____________

17. _____________ group is made up of people who know one another very close.

18. The illegal excessive and dangerous use of drugs is known as _____________

19. _____________ and 20. _____________ are types of group behavior.

20. Family _________ of students is one of the major causes of cultism in our society. (a) Cultism (b) background (c) society (d) peer pressure

21. Pyrates confraternity was formed in Nigeria by ____________ (a) Prof. Wole Soyinka (b) Adams Smith (c) Mrs Olabimpe (d) Mrs Ayodeji

22. __________ is one of the social problems in our institutions of learning. (a) Secret societies (b) cultism (c) peer group (d) Jezebel

23. Pyrates confraternity was form in Nigeria university in the year ____________ (a) 1982 (b) 1960 (c) 1951 (d) 195324.) Some ___________ join cults because their friends are members. (a) Parents (b) Pastors (c) students (d) pupils

24. Science uses empirical __________ (a) numbers (b) data (c) figures (d) none of the above

25 There is no __________ in science. (a) Calculations (b) methods (c) guess (d) knowledge

26. In other to establish scientific fact we use ___________ (a) Calculator (b) four figure table (c) knowledge (d) scientific method

27. Technology helps the people of Nigeria acquire good knowledge of __________ idea. (a) Technology (b) scientific (c) method (d) electronic

28. __________ brings about political development in our country. (a) Scientific (b) ideas (c) science and technology (d) knowledge

29. They sent messages by the use of ___________ (a) Technology (b) science (c) town criers (d) food

30. They used traditional ___________ in making materials like hoes, machetes etc. (a) black smiting (b) Science (c) technology (d) telecommunication

31. Information can be disseminated by the use of ___________ (a) Telephone (b) science (c) technology (d) letter

32. The ___________ is now made a global village. (a) world (b) world (c) science and technology.

33. The letter are sent by ____________ mail (a) communication (b) transformation (c) satellites (d) surface

34. ___________ letters move faster than the surface mail. (a) Air (b) communication (c) postal (d) satellites

35. Letters and __________ are sent through courier services. (a) Bags (b) envelops (c) parcels (d) DHL

36. Telephone was invented by _________ (a) Alex Grandma Bell (b) Alexander Graham Bell (c) Cansandra Great Bell (d) Alex Groundarn Bell

37. Telephone was invented in the year__________ (a) 1876 (b) 1877 (c) 1878 (d) 1879

38. Telegram means of sending __________ to people. (a) Text message (b) internet message (c) printed message

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                    Section B

1. Suggest and discuss five ways of discouraging drug abuse

2. List and explain 5 benefit of group behavior

3. State five characteristics each of positive and negative behavior

4. Identify four forms of drug abuse
4b. List 5 common ways of drug abuse

5. Explain the meaning of drug abuse.
5b. identify and explain four consequences of drug abuse.

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