Here are Second Term PHE Exam and Test For Jss3. Answer all questions. Please ensure that adhere to your school examination rules. Therefore say no to examination malpractice.

Second Term Jss3 PHE Test

1. The term “taek” means ______________ (a) Slap (b) kick (c) defend (d) slam-dunk

2. The taekwando association of Nigeria was formed in the year . (a) 1986 (b) 1989 (c) 1988 (d) 1989

3. A boxing match requires ______________ competitors (a) Three (b) two (c) four (d) five

4. There are ______________ major classes of boxing (a) Ten (b) eight (c) nine (d) seven

5. Stimulants are drugs that are meant to ______________ (a) Cure diseases (b) keep you awake (c) build up the muscles (d) reduce pain

6. Drugs taking to induce or cause sleep are called ______________ (a) Depressants (b) Panadol (c) stimulants (d) paracetamol
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7. ______________ is a group of people that are related to one another by blood marriage or law. (a) Habitat (b) society (c) state (d) family

8. The term “do” in taekwando means ______________ (a) Punch (b) destroy (c) way of art (d) kick

9. ______________ is a marital relationship between one husband, one wife and children. (a) Monogamy (b) polygamy (c) polyandry (d) polytechnic

10 In taekwando, there is a minimum of how many rounds? (a) One round (b) two rounds (c) three rounds (d) four rounds

11. Taekwando was introduced in Nigeria by ______________ (a) Anthony Joshua (b) Mr Michael (c) Aikpa Aime (d) Ray Mystero

12. How many points is awarded for attack on the head in Taekwando? (a) One point (b) two points (c) three points (d) four points

13. The highest weight category in boxing is ______________ (a) Big show weight (b) Okorie weight (c) ota weight (d) heavy weight

14. In boxing ______________ is used for training for stamina, endurance and timing. (a) Speed bags (b) bagco bag (c) Ghana must go bag (d) school bagheavyweight

15. ______________ points system is used in boxing. (a) Fifteen (b) eleven (c) twelve (d) ten

16. There are ______________ major types of punches in boxing. (a) One (b) two (c) four (d) three

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17. Base material of a child is provided by ______________ (a) The teacher (b) the principal (c) the family (d) the proprietor
18. ______________ is a marital relationship between one husband, two or more wives and children. (a) Monogamy (b) polyandry (c) polygamy (d) misogyny

19. The body responsible for the control of drug in Nigeria is ______________ (a) JEMOC (b) Air Force (c) Drug Force (d) NAFDAC

20. ______________ Point is awarded for an attack in the trunk protector in taekwando. (a) One (b) two (c) three (d) four

    Section B

Fill in the gap with the correct answer

1. The term “kwon” in Taekwando means ______________

2. ______________ minues is used for resting Taekwando.

3. ______________ is also called the “manly are of self defense”

4. ______________ family is made up of adullts acting as parents to children which may or may not be related to them

5. In boxing, there is ______________ minutes for a round

6. Up to 500kg falls in what ______________ weight category.

7. A child’s learning starts from ______________

8. TAN stands for ______________

9. LAWMA stands for ______________

10. Mouth piece is used in boxing for ______________

Section C

Question one

1a. Briefly explain the sport “Boxing”
b. List six (6) classes of boxing
1c. Enumerate six (6) facility and equipment used in boxing
1d. List two skills and technique in boxing

2. What js Drug?
2b. List three uses of drug.
2c. What do you understand by drug abuses.
2d. List three (3) effects of drug abuse

3. What is a family?
3b. Mention three (3) duties of three members of the family.

4. What is a career?
4b. Mention four (4) careers in PHE and explain any two.
4c. List five (5) agencies or organizations in Nigeria. (State full meaning of each of them)

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