Here are some second term Jss 2 Agriculture science test and exam questions that will help you pass your exams in agricultural science.

Agriculture Science Jss 2 Test and Exams

1) Which of the following is an advantage of crop rotation? It (a) helps to control mechanization (b) helps to control pest (c) helps to control weed (d) all of the above

2) Mixed farming means (a) Cultivation of crops and keeping of farm animals (b) keeping of cattle, sheep, goats and pigs. (c) mixing two farms before farming (d) mixing two or more crops during harvest

3) One of the following is not a good method of maintaining the fertility of the soil. (a) Rotational grazing (b) green manure (c) fallowing (d) over grazing

4) Soil fertility is reduced by the following except (a) cropping (b) leaching (c) fertilizing (d) burning

5) A farmer bought a bag of fertilizer with the inscription N.P.K. This fertilizer will supply to the soil the following: (a) Nitrogen, Calcium and Phosphorus (b) Nitrogen, Phosphorus and potassium (c) Nitrogen, calcium and potassium (d) Nitrogen, magnesium and calcium

6) Pastoral farming is a system in which (a) Only pasture crop is established (b) only grazing animals are kept (c) only poultry is kept (d) Only pasture crop and animal are kept

7) All the following are methods of fertilizer application except: (a) contour bunding (b) broadcasting (c) top dressing (d) ring method

8) Growing the same type of crop in the same piece of land year after year is referred to as: (a) Mono – cropping (b) mixed cropping (c) inter – cropping (d) yearly farming

9) What is eaten by animals to nourish their body? (a) Nutrients (b) food (c) feed (c) basal

10) ___________ are feeds made to supply energy to the animals. (a) Basal (b) supplements (c) concentrates (d) roughages

11) ___________ are feeds given to supply deficient nutrients in the diet of the animal. (a) Basal (b) supplements (c) concentrates (d) roughages

12) __________ are feeds or feed mixtures providing all the primary dietary needs of protein, carbohydrates, fats and minerals. (a) Basal (b) supplements (c) concentrates (d) roughages

13) ___________ are plant materials rich in fibres, and provide the bulk fodder used in grazing animals. (a)Basal (b) supplements (c) concentrates (d) roughages

14) ___________ are found in the Fulani tribes of Northern Nigeria, and they work with their grazing animals, especially cattle. (a) Nomadic herding (a) ranching (c) ley farming (d) fallowing farming

15) ___________ involves rearing the animals on a large expanse of fenced land. (a) Nomadic herding (b) Ranching (c) Ley farming (d) fallowing farming

16) ____________ combines pasture with crop production. (a) Nomadic herding (b) ranching (c) ley farming (d) fallowing farming

17) __________ is a practice whereby the farmer grows more than one type of crop on a piece of land at the same time. (a) Mono-cropping (b) mixed cropping (c) continuous cropping (d) multiple cropping

18) __________ refers to the growing or rearing of fishes in artificial or man – made water bodies. (a) Aquaculture (b) industrial fishery (c) small scale fishery (d) seine fishery

19) Catfish is a __________ fish (a) Bony fish (b) cartilaginous fish (c) seine fish (d) cracker fish

20) _____________ are fishes whose body frame is made up of a firm, shiny and elastic substance. (a) bony fish (b) cartilaginous fish (c) seine fish (d) cracker fish

(21) Animal nutrition does not have anything to do with the nature and properties of animal feeds in their proportion and mechanism. (True/False)

(22) There are _______ types of animal feeds (a) 2 (b) 6 (c) 4 (d) 8

(23) succulent feeds are _______ feeds (a) proteinous (b) calcium (c) energy feed (d) capital

(24) _________ provides all primary dietary need in nourishing animals (a) supplement (b) concentrates (c) roughages (d) basal

(25) The way of organizing a farming enterprise and types of crops grown is known as _________ (a) farming (b) farming system (c) mixed farming (d) complete farming.

(26) One of these is odd (a) mixed farming (b) social farming (c) pastoral farming (d) ranching

(27) _______ herding is usually found with the Fulani tribe of northern state. (a) research (b) grazing (c) nomadic (d) pastoral

(28) _______  involves rearing animals on a large expense of fenced land. (a) lay farming (b) bush fallowing (c) pastoral (d) ranching

(29)  The term _______ refers to how the various crops grown by the farmer are combined in his farm.

(a) cropping system (b) relay system (c) continuous system (d) multiple system

(30) All these but one are cropping system practice in Nigeria. (a) crop rotation (b) multiple cropping (c) micro cropping (d) ranching cropping.

                  Theory (Answer all questions)

1) List any three types of farming systems and explain any two.

b) List five types of cropping system and explain any three.

c) Differentiate between mixed cropping and mixed farming.

2) Give two forms of classification used for grouping fishes.

b) State five fishing equipment.

c) Mention five ways fish can be preserved.

3) Mention 5 ways of maintaining soil fertility.

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